Friday, November 25, 2005

Goblet of Fire

well i wasnt too sure that i wanted my reviews to start with this movie.. but its the last movie that i watched on the big screen... so... here it is..
this movie is by far the best of the potter movies.. but that would probably go without saying bc it was the best of the books as well.. movies 1 2 and 3 were not all that intriguing... the effects in this movie were a lil more advanced as well...and it kinda just hopped right on into the magic.. not so backstoryish...but if you read the books you will probably agree with me that they leave out some of the fun detail.. i mean obviously they have to leave out some things or the movies would be 3 days long... but a character like dobby should not be removed....if you hated the other potter movies, dont just pass this one off.. its worth the time.. maybe not for the money it costs to see it on the big screen... but when it comes to dvd, give it a chance!

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