Tuesday, December 20, 2005

King Kong

i ventured back to the big screen... i dont know why i keep attempting to go to the movies late at night when i have been up since 6am.. i am thinking that is part of the reason of my disapointment....well this movie was well anticipated for me... but then a lil before i was going to be going to the movie, i found out how long it was... and i think that that put me in a negative mind frame from the get.. i didnt read any other reviews before my viewing, bc i didnt want to ruin the movie at all...
so i went in feeling tired and cranky and anxious.. and i left tired and cranky and upset that i was disappointed.. dont get me wrong, it was filmed wonderfully and i did enjoy it.. but by NO means did it need to be 3hours long... there was at least a good hour of footage that was not necessary...and the other major let down was that they left out how they got a massive beast like King Kong from an island in the middle of nowhere to the big apple... now that couldve been some intersting content.... i would recomend this movie BUT with the stipulation of watching it at home in the comfort of your own home with the possibility of the pause button so you can stretch your tush...

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